Post Tagged with: "Backup"

Colosseum Online Backup – Update – Change Log

July 14, 2014 4:01 pm Announcements, Back-Ups, Canada, Colosseum Related, Offsite Backup, Online Backup, Toronto

Colosseum Online Inc. Backup Software, v6.19.0.0 You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers. […]

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Why Should I Backup?

August 19, 2011 9:44 pm Announcements, Back-Ups, Canada, Cloud, Colosseum Related, Data Center, Offsite Backup, Online Backup

Why Should I Backup Backing up is one of the most over looked processes in life today, with computers so intertwined in day to day activities many people have come to just expect certain things to always be there when they need it. Could you imagine if you came into work, looking forward to finishing that […]

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