Create an Affiliate Account Today

September 18, 2011 4:55 pm Announcements, Back-Ups, Canada, Colosseum Related, DSL Internet, Hosting, Offsite Backup, Online Backup, Toronto, Uncategorized

We all know how awesome Colosseum’s products and services are, we get a lot of business from word of mouth from many of our happy customers.

Did you know that you can start earning referral bonuses for sending friends and family to Colosseum? Its really easy to do and you can start earning 10% of their monthly bill as a bonus to you! The best part is the bonus is recurring so you continue to earn for as long your referrals are active.
Getting started is really easy, all you need to do is

  1. sign into your client area
  2. click on the affiliates tab
  3. and click on Activate Affiliate

Once your finished you will see a page that includes a custom URL you can send  to your friends so we can keep track of your sales. We also provide you with a wide variety of banners that you can use to put on your websites or blogs to easily send people our way!

If you have any questions about becoming an affiliate, or if you are already an affiliate and have questions feel free to give us a call, email or send us a tweet (@colosseumonline).


P.S. you can now also “like” us on Facebook!



Colosseum Sales Team

Phone: 416-739-7873
US & Canada: 1-877-739-7873
Fax: 416-739-1732
